China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway. A route changing geo-economic landscape

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On the eve of 2025, the realization of the most ambitious and large-scale infrastructure project in the history of Kyrgyzstan began. Not far from Jalal-Abad town, the construction of a railway has been launched, which will pass through the territory of our country and become a link between the largest transportation systems in Eurasia. This will be the shortest route that will connect opposite parts of the largest continent, becoming the most convenient and fastest route for dozens of countries to deliver goods.


At the official ceremony of the project launch, Kyrgyz President Sadyr Zhaparov emphasized that our country is facing a new era in regional cooperation and interaction with neighboring countries.

“The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway is not just a transportation corridor, it is an important strategic bridge that will connect the countries of East and West. More specifically, the new railroad corridor will become the southern link of the continental bridge of Eurasia, opening the way to the markets of Southeast Asia, West Asia and the Middle East.

This route will ensure the delivery of cargo from China to Kyrgyzstan, as well as to the countries of Central Asia and the Middle East, including Turkiye and further to the European Union. The project will strengthen inter-regional ties, help diversify transportation routes and increase the competitiveness of the region as an international transport and transit hub, which is in line with the goals of the Central Asian countries,” the Kyrgyz leader emphasized.


Thanks to the railway, Kyrgyzstan will once again occupy an important place on the revitalized Silk Road. For us, this is not just a way out of the transport deadlock, but also an opportunity to achieve a high level of industrialization. The presence of an international transport corridor will contribute to the development of domestic infrastructure and the creation of modern production facilities with export potential.

Historian, public and political figure Zainidin Kurmanov gave a brief excursion to the Middle Ages, when the Silk Road flourished, and now, taking part in its recreation, we are forming a new geo-economic landscape.

“We stood on this route from the time of antiquity until the 16th century, but this route disappeared, it was a consequence of endless wars and plundering, the links between west and east ceased, and the region that used to thrive from the development of international trade faded and fell into decline. The civilization that had developed science, medicine, created outstanding cultures and arts that had produced brilliant scientists, writers and poets since the 16th century began to fade.

The resumption of this route promises great prospects - the revival of the Central Asian region, which was once the richest and most prosperous, and everyone wanted to live here. Now we are returning to this route, restoring it and, naturally, it should be more than just a railroad. This is a logistic chain that unites two worlds, and maybe more,” Kurmanov emphasized.


Now about the main technical parameters of the highway. Out of the 486-kilometer Kashgar - Torugart - Makmal - Jalal-Abad – Andijan route, 280 kilometers will pass through Kyrgyzstan. Due to the complexities of the mountainous terrain, more than 50 kilometers of tunnels will have to be drilled and dozens of overpasses will have to be built. This is a complex and capital-intensive project. In this regard, Doctor of Economics Tolonbek Abdyrov emphasizes another important aspect - our country will gain invaluable experience in passing through complex mountain ranges and building long bridges through gorges. No less important, according to the expert, is the fact that the development of transportation infrastructure, not only international but also intra-republican, will also give impetus to other sectors of the economy - from agriculture, industrial production and machine building to logistics, service and tourism.

“For us, it is not only an access to the sea and access to world markets, the project creates a powerful infrastructure inside Kyrgyzstan. The laying of the road provides for the construction of 18 stations, transshipment and logistics centers. Our country will receive about $200 million a year for transit alone. Through this road we will be connected, on the one hand, with China and southeast Asia, on the other hand, with the countries of the Caucasus, the Persian Gulf and Europe. This will be the shortest route, which is why it is in demand. We will have the opportunity to diversify exports of domestic products in a variety of directions.


So far, we have not been represented anywhere as participants in global supply chains. We do not have access to large highways and the sea. In terms of involvement in these processes of global trade, the railroad is of great importance. We are integrating into a new format of economic development,” Tolonbek Abdyrov noted.

All issues related to financing the project have been agreed upon, and a trilateral consortium representing China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan is handling it. The construction of the highway will take several years, but already now the work started in our country contributes to strengthening the economic potential and attracting significant investments.