Uzbekistan's population surpasses 37.5 million

Central Asia Загрузка... 27 January 2025 10:55

According to the State Statistics Committee, 18.9 million (50.4%) of the population are men, while 18.6 million (49.6%) are women. The urban population stands at 19.1 million (51%), and the rural population at 18.4 million (49%), reported.

Regionally, the highest population densities are found in Tashkent city, with 6,948.1 people per square kilometer, followed by Andijan (804.9) and Fergana (613.1). The lowest densities are observed in Navoi (9.9) and Karakalpakstan (12.2).

In 2024, 926,400 children were born, a decrease of 3.7% compared to the previous year.

The distribution of fathers by age is as follows: 10.7% were under 25 years old, 82.5% were between 25 and 39 years old, and 6.8% were 40 years or older. Among mothers, 39.3% were under 25, 59.5% were between 25 and 39, and 1.2% were 40 years or older.

The highest birth rates were recorded in Samarkand (12%), Fergana (11.1%), Kashkadarya (10.9%), Andijan (9.3%), and Surkhandarya (9.1%). The lowest rates were in Syrdarya (2.4%), Navoi (2.8%), Jizzakh (4.2%), Karakalpakstan (4.5%), and Bukhara (5%).

In 2024, the number of registered marriages totaled 271,800, a decrease of 12,000 compared to the previous year.

The average age at marriage was 22.3 years for women and 27.1 years for men.

The number of divorces stood at 45,100, an 8.3% decrease from 2023.

Divorced men had an average age of 35.4 years, while divorced women had an average age of 32.1 years. The largest share of divorces (64.6%) occurred among women under 35.

In 2024, 2,229 people immigrated to Uzbekistan, while 10,842 people emigrated abroad.